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Star Wars Battlefront: how to be an expert with heroes and villains


In Star Wars Battlefront, the latest from the company says, the heroes and the villains they have a role in most of the games multiplayer play. Apart from soldiers of assaults equipped with blasters and star charts, we have these special characters such as Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker, with their weapons and powers.

However, although these heroes and villains are powerful, are not all-powerful. Each has advantages and disadvantages usually fairly marked that we must bear in mind. To do this in Xombit Games you have counted the Greedo, Nien Nunb, Boba Fett, Leia Organa, have only, Dengar, Lando Calrissian and the emperor. As much as you say, it is also necessary to take practice with them, and Star Wars Battlefront gives us the opportunity to train with these heroes and villains against bots of various difficulties.

Practice with the heroes and the villains against the IA

Although in Star Wars Battlefront many go multiplayer head to the fight, has a full section of a player and cooperative very interesting. There you can learn some of the most basic mechanical, other more advanced and what most interests us now, we will know the heroes and villains in the heroic battles.


It best is that have several levels of difficulty, and us give credits by completing objectives, credits that can spend in letters stellar, appearances or blasters for the multiplayer. If never have used to no hero or villain, or when it have made have lasted two minutes in the split and just have extruded points, it best is put us in this mode of game us alone and face us to the IA in its different levels of difficulty.

No, faced against the AI is not the same thing do it against other players, but this AI that runs by waves becomes very hard although not in use hedges or act in a too clever. Its waves make us sweat and think about how use the skills of each hero and villain in different situations, and that is just what you are looking for.

Play heroes and villains in the multiplayer

How to play against the AI it is not the same as playing against other human players, the time come where we have to test everything I learned against other users. For this, we have several options and no, better does it get into a game of supremacy or assault at-ATS to see if it drops the cherry. The best is search items of heroes and villains in “all types of starting”. There not only us measure against other players, but that will have to deal with special characters, against users who usually have some experience on the subject. The cure of humility the first times will be terrible.

But we can also play Hunt the hero, similarly to the only that online free bots and heroic battles. Here a Hero faces a team of seven soldiers, there is a rotation to make the hero who ends up with the previous special character. These games will make two equally interesting and necessary things: measure us against large groups of soldiers as a hero and hunt one, rather than also esena much about how playing with them, since we think as hunters and prey.

And you you think? Pass you by Star Wars Battlefront: how being an expert with heroes and villains to leave your footprint.

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