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Hyper Bounce Blast. Analysis PC

The Hyper Bounce Blast entrance. Analysis PC first appears in Game It – hardware, video games and consoles.

Hyper Bounce Blast is a game developed by Flump Studios and is now available through Steam. Founded in 2011, Flump Studios devoted himself to the development of video games for PC, Xbox and mobile platforms getting good business data with games such as Horizont Shift and Super Killer Hornet Resurrection. On this occasion, although following a symmetrical line offer us the opportunity to enjoy a new title that will put our reflexes to the limit like games of yesteryear.

Welcome to the recreational

The first thing we find is a retro game that emulates games from ships of the Decade of the 1990s, with variety of possibilities end levels but with a seasoned frenetic pace of electronic music that is followed by the troupe. Early Hyper Bounce Blast is frenetic and after a simple tutorial where they explain the way of playing we started to hit consistent shots. Only basic control system requires the use of three buttons, provided we use a remote control, in where it will have the analog left to move laterally, the analog law which will serve as a weapon and can shoot in 360 degrees and finally the trigger of leap, indispensable for the dynamics of Hyper Bounce Blast game since it will allow us to jump over certain objects to climb as high as possible and in this way increase the points scored. Since we mentioned the points it is obvious that like all games of this topic grace is not only pass the level with life, but to get the best score with which our friends leave stoked.

Hyper Bounce Blast

How to obtain points is simple, four horizontal bars that are part of the stage separate multipliers points, in this way the higher end to the enemy higher multiplier applies to the death. To this battle for the best score, you must add the possibility of getting exclusive objects like stars, which will be which confirm that we have that dominated level having only two lives but with the possibility of continuing from control points. To complete levels, we will have a final boss that will grill meats to send hundreds of projectiles until we destroy it without mercy, bosses are still an ascending line that is not simple and that like everything in this life will be a matter of trying again and again.

Hyper Bounce Blast

Hyper Bounce Blast extends along more than a hundred levels and six game modes that slightly vary the experience trying to give a little gender diversity. Arcade Classic mode is the simplest of all, we will have two lives and points for saved before and after each final boss, the second mode of Arcade Arrange in which we will not have any life along the waves and there are only points of saved at the beginning of each level, is considered a level medium complexity and I can assure that it already begins to get complicated. The third mode is called Time Rush in where you will find all the above about Arcade Arrange, but with the problem that after each wave speed will be increased by putting each one on their website, catalog this level as difficult. In fourth place is the Tournament mode, extreme difficulty where the unique premise that you can give is good luck. Two ways rather than by now not have unveiled and we hope to be able to prove, but if the progression is still rising will have to sweat drop fat.

A soul of arcade platforms

The way to play Hyper Bounce Blast cannot be more simple as well as complex, but only requires a bit of practice to pick you the dot. We are a sphere that sits on the floor, we can jump and shoot indiscriminately without affecting our ammunition, without notice a few red ships descend to drop projectiles on a constant basis and sorted by what we can establish patterns of shot with ease, the impacts of our gun not take to eliminate the hostiles. More enemies make their appearance but on this occasion are blue and does not affect them the heavy weapons, quickly we will give account path still invite us to jump over them, one after the other so that they are fading away while we shoot everything that moves. The complexity of enemies and the types of blue trampolines that there will be increasing up to cardiac levels that we put in countless sink lasers, bullets and enemies, but what at first seems impossible becomes clearer when we realized that while we’re bouncing around we will be immune to all the shots and that we will also take extra score to receive impacts. With this variant of combat, Hyper Bounce Blast tries to put a dent in the universe of the arcade giving it a platformer Variant that is perfectly integrated into the dynamics and development of Hyper Bounce Blast levels.

Hyper Bounce Blast Locura

Conclusions Hyper Bounce Blast

Without a doubt Hyper Bounce Blast complies with the basic function which has the classic arcade genre, since it is a real challenge to level, with a soundtrack that invites the hyperactivity and clean gameplay. All this has earned a niche in our library of Steam, always should be a game that we challenge to us and we play.

The Hyper Bounce Blast entrance. Analysis PC first appears in Game It – hardware, video games and consoles.

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